Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sorry Brittanica lose.
Image from this article on wikipedia.

James ellroy

is quietly (in some sense) writing the great, sprawling American paranoid, post-modern, modernist novel. It's taking him year and it's coming in installments but shit is it good. Next one due next summer. Oh yeah.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

so like...

the semsester's over. I have a few hours of free time. I have no idea what to do with myself. Should I spend two days drunk at museums?

bent my wookie

Ice Storm! I ran ten miles in an ice storm on sunday. Then, while walking to my car, slipped and fell. I remember thinking "don't fall on the laptop." I didn't. But my ibook's case is bent so it doesn't sit flat anymore. I think this all looked pretty comical fromm across the street.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Is it wrong to give shout outs to breweries in the acknowledgements section of my thesis? Significant thoughts were thought and words were written while under the influence of their products. Yay Avery. Yay New Belgium. Yay Goose Island.